Why Should We Care About Children?

Bringing History to the Future

Dear Classical Wisdom Reader,

“Plants are the new pets, pets are the new children… and children at completely out”

It’s a joke I saw somewhere (with my own obvious addition following the logic), but I think we all know that it’s sadly true in many places. Disparaging scoffs at tomorrow’s generation and coos and cuddles for whichever poor overly inbred canine is carried are the norm…it’s palpable when you have the wrong kind of ‘baby’.

That’s part of the reason we love Italy and Greece so much. Upon arrival in the Rome airport, a kindly gentleman re-directed us to a family lane, a consideration for weary parents and fellow travelers alike.

Our daughter was ecstatic. “Is this one of those kid-friendly countries?” she asked hopefully.

Yes, yes it is.

Here in Tivoli, Italy, our residence for the next month, kids of all ages swarm the piazzas, they fill up the gelato stores and hone their football skills beside Medieval churches.

There is something so beautiful, enriching and sustainable about a people who embrace the youth. It’s also a place that cares about its elderly, not surprisingly. They realize that multi-generations can and should live and interact and learn from each other. There is an understanding of protecting the vulnerable and appreciating their value… at both ends of the life cycle.

It is a tradition and a culture that can survive millennia… for a reason.

This is part and parcel of why we began Classical Wisdom Kids. We think the next generation deserves a better life than mindless social media scrolling and isolated living. We want to impart a love of wisdom, to show the enjoyment of philosophy, mythology and history.

It’s like planting an acorn… one that can grow into a mighty oak.

As such, we are starting something new over at Classical Wisdom Kids. Each week we’ll send a ‘postcard’ from our travels… penned by our dear daughter (with help from her father - who conveniently happens to be an excellent writer and novelist). As a kid, she of course sees things differently from us… with a much more open mind and curious spirit.

She’s also already studied a lot of Latin and Ancient Greek, which helps too!

So, if you would like to join our little family on our “Junior Grand Tour”, you can become either a free or paid subscriber below. (Members can enjoy fun games, activities and resources for young aspiring minds):


If you know young families who might appreciate some Classical Wisdom for Future Minds, you can either Gift a Subscription, or Donate to our budding project Here:

All the best to all the generations out there,

Anya Leonard

Founder and Director

Classical Wisdom and Classical Wisdom Kids