Why Read Modern Books?

Now Available: Night Drew Her Sable Cloak

Dear Classical Wisdom Readers,

We usually stick to the “old” stuff. After all, that’s our beat here at Classical Wisdom! 

This week, however, we will take a look at a decidedly more modern book. In fact, it just came out... yesterday. 

Really, you can’t get more modern than that!

But while the publication date is contemporary, the important ideas, themes, human conflicts and contemplations are not. 

Interspersed with Classical references and mythology (you Classics Lovers will enjoy those easter eggs!), this is a book for people who love literature, history, culture and philosophy. 

Part fiction, partly inspired by true events, Night Drew Her Sable Cloak draws on primary historical documents and personal travel experiences to bring you what I believe is a truly unique work of literary fiction. 

It weaves together three distinct narratives, following three generations of heroines from the Midwest to the Far East, spanning the width and breadth of the entire 20th Century...

At once a meditation on the nature of being and a celebration of the incomprehensible unlikeliness of life itself, Night Drew Her Sable Cloak is a novel that brings together eastern and western philosophies to propose a whole new way to look at the world around us. 

FULL DISCLOSURE: This book was written by my husband. 

Indeed, those who know me well, will recognize many people, events and places in this book (and maybe you will too)... and yet despite the obvious bias, it really is a stunningly beautiful and profound work of literary fiction. I genuinely think you’ll enjoy it!

Today it can be tricky to find “readers” (sadly it’s becoming a bit of a lost art), but I know that you, dear reader, still fall into that important category... so please enjoy this brand new modern, classically inspired book:

All the best,Anya Leonard

Founder and DirectorClassical Wisdom