Weekend Roundup

Lost and Found

Dear Classical Wisdom Reader,

It’s one of the most fascinating, yet frustrating elements of ancient history: the parts of ancient culture that have been lost to the sands of time. They say about 80% of ancient literature is lost, and it’s not alone. Words, customs, even statues have disappeared as the centuries have worn on.

Yet there are still glimpses that can be seen, if you know where to look.

Many of these lost works endure, indirectly, through quotations, fragments and reputation. This week we’ve been looking at some of what remains from these disappeared worlds, including the enormous, vanished statues of Pheidias and the Epic poetry of Ennius.

Of course, some lost things can actually return. We also have a fun article on ancient Greek terms that really do deserve a comeback.

Check it out below, plus the rest of the week’s resources…

Classical Wisdom Kids

That’s it for this week!

All the best,

Sean Kelly

Managing Editor

Classical Wisdom