Weekend Roundup

Thebes, Athens, Rome...

Dear Classical Wisdom Reader,

Which is the greatest of the ancient cities?

It’s very hard to say… but this week we looked across three of the most famous.

We’ll start with the dying days of the Roman Republic, as Cato the Younger tried to challenge the growing power of Julius Caesar and prevent the birth of an empire…

We also looked at the Golden Age of ancient Athens, a time and place when people like Plato, Socrates, Sophocles and more walked the earth.

If you want to know more about these figures, and some of the other most important writers and philosophers who ever lived, be sure to check out our upcoming course The Essential Greeks.

Through video lectures, live webinars and more, you can go deeper into the world of the Classics.

Finally, we also looked ahead to our upcoming event on Thebes, where we will be discussing the fascinating, vanished city as well as its history, mythology, culture and more!

Check it all out just below…

Classical Wisdom Kids

That’s it for this week!

All the best,

Sean Kelly

Managing Editor

Classical Wisdom