Weekend Roundup

Golden Age of Latin Literature

Dear Classical Wisdom Reader,

Did you know the Aeneid was composed as a propaganda piece?

It’s a little bit of an oversimplification, but it was written (in part) to celebrate the reign of Emperor Augustus, and link the then present-day emperor to the grandeur of the Trojan myths.

Now, in the modern day, when we hear the word propaganda, we almost instantly turn away.

Yet Virgil’s epic is just one example among many acclaimed literary masterpieces of the Augustan era written to glorify the newly formed Roman Empire, as well as its leader.

Moreover, millennia later, these works remain so widely celebrated for their literary technique, that they are considered to represent a key part of the Golden Age of Latin literature.

Members can discover more about these works, and the fascinating era that birthed them, in our exclusive e-book anthology of Augustan literature.

Featuring writings by such luminaries as Ovid, Livy, Horace, and Virgil, it’s a fascinating look at some of literature’s greatest masterpieces, as well as the origins of the Roman Empire.

Check it all out just below, alongside the rest of the week’s resources…

Classical KIDS

That’s it for this week!

All the best,

Sean Kelly

Managing Editor

Classical Wisdom