Weekend Roundup

Plato and Atlantis

Dear Classical Wisdom Reader,

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner…

So if you’re looking for Classics-themed gifts, we’ve got you covered!

Our new collection of Classical Wisdom gifts includes blankets, candles, notebooks and more, all featuring beautiful quotations from the ancient world on the theme of love.

One of the quotes used is taken from Hesiod’s Theogony…

“Love, who is most beautiful among the immortal gods, the melter of limbs, overwhelms in their hearts the intelligence and wise counsel of all gods and all men.”

If you think someone special would appreciate that (and other ancient love quotes), you can find our collection of Valentine’s gifts right HERE!

Check out the rest of the week’s resources just below…

Classical Wisdom Kids

That’s it for this week!

All the best,

Sean Kelly

Managing Editor

Classical Wisdom