Weekend Roundup

Sacred Flames and Divine Philosophers

Dear Classical Wisdom Reader,

Make sure not to miss what’s happening over at Classical Wisdom Kids!

We have a special highlight from our recent celebrations of Marcus Aurelius’ birthday. In collaboration with Plato’s Academy Centre, we got questions from children about the Roman emperor and philosopher for a panel of experts to answer. The questions we got were priceless: by turns hilarious and disarmingly thoughtful!

(And yeah, the answers were pretty good too!)

Plus, in addition to extra games based around last week’s Kids’ article on Iris, you can also meet our new friend Owly! He can show you and any little ones the Temple of Sybil and the Temple of Vesta in Tivoli, Italy.

I’m sure Owly will be taking flight again very soon…

You can check it all out just below!

In term of our regular coverage, I suppose if it had one theme interlocking all we looked at this week, it would be flames.

We had a look at one of the biggest questions asked about the ancient world… Why did Rome fall? We might think of the ancient city in flames, but the nature of the ‘fall’ of Rome is much more complex… Check it out below, alongside some reflections from Tivoli.

Members can access our magazine, Classical Wisdom Litterae, and take an in-depth look at the Vestal Virgins, and the surprising power bound up in the keepers of Rome’s sacred flame…

It’s a very different kind of flame than what Empedocles, the philosopher god, would have faced on the volcanic Mount Etna! Discover the colorful life and philosophy of this proto-scientist, Epic poet, and eccentric early philosopher just below, alongside the rest of the week’s resources…

Classical Wisdom Kids

That’s it for this week!

All the best,

Sean Kelly

Managing Editor

Classical Wisdom