Weekend Round-Up

Prometheus, Epic-urean, How to Tell a Story & Mental Illness

Dear Classical Wisdom Reader,

We have got a full and exciting week’s worth of articles for you! Starting off with Prometheus and the creation of enlightenment, we continue to the philosophy of Epicurus as well as our Monday mailbag on whether or not mental illness is REAL.

Also included is this week’s newest podcast release: How to Tell a Story… According to Aristotle. Featuring professor Philip Freeman, make sure to have a listen to learn the rules to great storytelling… and how to break them.

Also, please check out our Youtube channel and Subscribe!

Members can also enjoy this week’s released resources, including the history, value and literature of Latin, an EPIC E-book, as well as a Classical Wisdom Litterae issue dedicated to Ancient Warriors… including the Amazons, the Spartans and much more.

Not a Member yet? Take advantage of our Classical Wisdom Birthday Special offer… available for one more week ONLY. 

Now, onto the history of enlightenment, Brazilians and storytelling… below!

Weekend Roundup:

Member Resources:

Next Week’s Event:

That’s all from us today. Have a wonderful weekend!

All the best,

Anya Leonard

Founder and Director

Classical Wisdom