Should We Try to Control Nature?

Thoughts from the edge of a hurricane

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This cannabis startup pioneered “rapid onset” gummies

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That’s why we were so excited when we found out about Mood’s new Rapid Onset THC Gummies. They can take effect in as little as 5 minutes without the need for a lighter, lingering smells or any coughing.

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Dear Classical Wisdom Reader, 

By decree of the fates, we’ve managed to collide with not one, but two hurricanes on our American trip. Having started the journey just in time for Beryl, we are completing our adventure on the outskirts of Debby’s rainfall. What are the chances?

What’s crazy isn’t that there are large storms and natural disasters – after all, there have been such events since time immemorial – but that in our modern age, so many of us experience them.

This is because we humans are filled with hubris...and we love to build cities where cities probably shouldn’t be. Before air conditioning, huge swaths of the US south were barely habitable. Today, there are more people than ever to witness these hurricanes.

About a hundred years ago, the entire state of Florida barely passed 1 million people. Now it’s well over 22 million... and that’s less than Texas and California, other places known for hurricanes, fires, floods, earthquakes, tornados and really, just about every bad thing mother nature can throw at you. Not only that, these places host 6 of the top 10 largest cities in the country! Despite the heat, the storms and destruction, people still flock to this region for glittering opportunities. 

But this is not without precedent. Even in the ancient days, the Romans found outposts in extreme lands, just as the Greeks did before them. Perhaps one of the most impressive examples is the fortress of Masada, the sumptuous palace complex dramatically overlooking the Dead Sea which was constructed by the Judaean king, Herod the Great. The modern visitor is shocked by the inhospitable land; it was ingenious engineering that transformed the barren, isolated, arid hilltop into a lavish, royal retreat. They built a sophisticated water system that collected run-off water from a single day's rain to sustain life for a thousand people over a period of two to three years. 

From the Israeli outposts to southern California, throughout time men and women have created communities and constructed cities where nature says otherwise... and yet we often thrive in these places. 

It makes one wonder what our relationship should be with nature in the first place. The Stoic philosophers (and the avid stoic fans among you) will no doubt be chiming in, as the Stoics defined the goal in life as living in agreement with nature. Is shaping and changing the environment around us breaking the rules?

Of course that doesn’t mean we should quit modern life and go live in the woods. Marcus Aurelius certainly wouldn’t advocate that... after all, using wisdom and reason is a manner of acting in accordance with natural laws. So, surely, using said cerebrums to mitigate the suffering inflicted by “nature red in tooth and claw” is a good thing, right? Right?? 

But then again, are we not taunting such a predicament by building in the most disastrous places possible? 

Where does this leave us, dear reader, beyond confused?

While I watch the rain from Hurricane Debbie pour from the sky, I ask you: Should we control nature? Is it even possible? 

Please comment below to join the great conversation! 

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This cannabis startup pioneered “rapid onset” gummies

Most people prefer to smoke cannabis but that isn’t an option if you’re at work or in public.

That’s why we were so excited when we found out about Mood’s new Rapid Onset THC Gummies. They can take effect in as little as 5 minutes without the need for a lighter, lingering smells or any coughing.

Nobody will ever know you’re enjoying some THC.

We recommend you try them out because they offer a 100% money-back guarantee. And for a limited time, you can receive 20% off with code FIRST20.