Philosophy and Children

Event: THIS Saturday

Dear Classical Wisdom Readers,

How can learning about philosophy help children to think for themselves? What can classical literature offer today's children?

Classical Wisdom is proud to co-host the next Plato’s Academy Centre’s event “Philosophy and Children”, taking place THIS Saturday, March 23rd at Noon EST.

Featuring an exciting breadth of professors, educators and authors we’ll discuss the ins and outs of bringing philosophy to the next generation.

Here are just a few of the speakers presenting this Saturday:

  • Prof. Angie Hobbs, University of Sheffield; author of Plato's Republic: A Ladybird Expert Book

  • Prof. M.D. Usher, University of Vermont, author of Wise Guy: The Life and Philosophy of Socrates and Plato's Pigs and Other Ruminations: Ancient Guides to Living with Nature

  • Kevin McArevey, Principal of Holy Cross Boys' Primary School, featured in the documentary Young Plato

  • Peter Worley, co-founder and CEO of The Philosophy Foundation, author of The If Machine: Philosophical Enquiry in the Classroom

And of course, yours truly… I’ll be discussing the value of NOT knowing… and timely lesson for anyone who has heard “I know! I know!” just too many times…

Make sure to register for free to join us! And as always, as long as you sign up in advance, you can recieve the recording, even if you aren’t able to join us live.

I hope you can join us!

All the best,

Anya LeonardFounder and Director

Classical Wisdom and Classical Wisdom Kids