It’s Time to Remember History...

....Not Erase It

[Caution: If history offends you, then this may not be for you.] 

Discover the Origins of America

Adams knew it. 

Jefferson certainly did. 

Alexander Hamilton and James Madison were very well versed, indeed. 

(Though You wouldn’t guess it from what the mainstream media wants to believe these days...)

But, let’s face it, if you want to make a difference.... 

...for yourself, for your family, for your community... 

Then You NEED to Know It Too. 

It’s an ancient wisdom that unlocks your potential, brings new perspectives and upholds a long standing - American - tradition.

And it can only be attained by Remembering history... not burying it. 

"Throw me to the wolves and I will return leading the pack." -Seneca

I’m talking about the Classics - with a Capital C. 

(Let’s give some respect where it’s due!) 

It was all you needed to be considered Educated.

It’s the type of knowledge that makes You a Leader...

Just look at the Founding Fathers.  

Thomas Jefferson famously loved the Classics. He was deeply inspired by them... and that ancient wisdom made him the great man he was. 

He loved it so much that John Adams would often write to him in Greek.

He and his long term pal, John Adams, even corresponded in ancient Greek. 

When Alexander Hamilton entered King’s College (now Columbia University) in 1773, he read Cicero and Virgil’s Aeneid in the original Latin.

And before James Madison went to the College of New Jersey (now Princeton), he had already read Virgil, Horace, Justinian, Nepos, Caesar, Tacitus, Lucretius, Eutropius, Phaedrus, Herodotus, Thucydides, and Plato, to name a few.

Several of the founders, including Adams, attended Harvard... but back in the 1640s there were no ACT or SAT scores to enter the prestigious school. 

No application essays either. 

You just had to prove that you knew Latin and Greek.

And the Founding Fathers did. 

In fact, they once proposed making ancient Greek the official American language!!!

They knew the ancient writers and quoted them prolifically... They also knew the power and inspiration of ancient wisdom. 

So, how do you Discover all the wisdom of the ancients? How can you be inspired like the Founding Fathers? 

Stick with me and I’ll show you how.

In the next five minutes, you’ll find out how you can access all the most essential texts from the ancient world… 

....the exact words and wisdom that inspired the Founding Fathers and the very idea of America itself... 

...and how to do it for FREE.

For example, you’ll have at your fingertips…

  • Important selections from the epic Poet, Homer; Including the revenge of Achilles as he stalks the plains of Troy within The Iliad, the trials of Odysseus as he faces down monsters, witches, and gods in pursuit of his homecoming within the epic, The Odyssey

  • The three Tragedians: Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides, thought provoking moments from their prize-winning plays such as Oedipus Rex, Agamemnon, Medea, and more, all originally performed at the height of classical theater in ancient Athens.

  • The great philosopher Plato’s most essential dialogues and writings, from his description of the Philosopher King to his theories on Atlantis

  • Stoic Philosophy, a perspective on living life with less stress and more meaning, with writings from Epictetus and the great Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius

  • Ancient Greek and Roman Historians, primary source materials to shed light on life 2,000 years ago as well as the wars and political strife that rocked the classical world and brought empires to their knees

Those are just a sampling of the 79 essential texts found within your Free 644 page edition

A pretty huge anthology, I know.

Why would I give away? I’ll tell you who I am – and why I’ve decided to share this ebook with you today – in a moment.

First, let me show you some of the wisdom that might help you view the world differently than others…

Be A Skeptic - And Never Be Fooled Again

Take the ancient philosophy of Skepticism, an ancient philosophy that seems more important than ever in the modern world. 

In the era of ‘fake news’, partisan politics and division, Skepticism tells us to examine every argument and claim with a rational, measured approach. 

Ancient skeptics taught that we should look at both sides of every argument, suspending judgement until we have all the facts available - a lesson that certain political figures and news networks could learn a lot from!

“There is nothing worse than a hasty judgment, and nothing could be more unworthy of the dignity and integrity of a philosopher than uncritically to adopt a false opinion” - Cicero

Through the words and wisdom of the classical skeptics, you’ll learn to question everything, accepting nothing at face value. You’ll develop the wisdom to reach a fair and level-headed judgment on the pressing issues of the day.

You’ll acquire a reputation as the voice of ‘common-sense’ and moderation, able to deliver a calm and measured response while those around you are  losing their cool.  

At dinner parties and get-togethers, when your peers are bickering and arguing, they’ll turn to YOU to be the voice of reason and decide the debate.

Being a Skeptic will help you cut through all the hot-air and nonsense of modern life - and you’ll be happier and less stressed as a result.

"The originating cause of skepticism is...the hope of attaining tranquility in the soul…” - Sextus Empiricus

Learn To Be Stoical...and Stress Will Be A Thing Of The Past

You’ll learn to become a more balanced person through the study of Stoicism. Their teachings seem almost tailor-made for the chaos and uncertainty of today’s world. 

At its core, Stoicism tells us that to be truly happy, we need to accept what’s happening to us, and no longer care that events are sometimes beyond our control. 

As Marcus Aurelius said, 

“The tranquility that comes when you stop caring what they say. Or think, or do. Only what you do.”

Discovering this wisdom not only enables you to withstand the chaos, but actually thrive in it. 

You’ll become more resilient, calm, and attuned to the world around you. Your friends will notice how serene you are, a cool-head in a crisis - a leader. 

And when the unexpected things that life has a habit of dropping in our laps happen? You’ll be able to handle them, understand what is happening to you, and learn from it. You’ll have become stoical.

“It does not matter what you bear, but how you bear it.”  - Seneca

Learning The Lessons of History...And Use Them To Your Advantage

It’s not only the ancient philosophers who can teach us how to live richer, fuller lives. The very act of studying classical HISTORY can reveal all kinds of insights and little-known knowledge. 

And you can apply it all to the modern world.

Interested in how extensive bureaucracy, inflation, and the influx of foreign capital can destabilize society and cause cataclysmic political shifts? 

Look no further than the rise and fall of the Roman Republic and its transformation into an expansionist empire. 

It may have happened 2000 years ago, but the parallels between the ancient and modern worlds are there for you to explore.

“Long before our time the customs of our ancestors molded admirable men, in turn these men upheld the ways and institutions of their forebears. Our age, however, inherited the Republic as if it were some beautiful painting of bygone ages, its colors already fading through great antiquity.” - Cicero

I could go on, but I think it’s high time I properly introduce myself! 

Hi, I'm Anya Leonard, Founder and Director of Classical Wisdom

 We are dedicated to bringing ancient wisdom to modern minds. 

I co-founded Classical Wisdom, along with Bill Bonner, owner of Agora Publishing, exactly 10 years ago this month.

And our whole goal was to spread the classics, and bring the ancients back to life.

Since we started, Classical Wisdom reaches over 500,000 inquiring minds across the world.

500,000 might sound like a lot, but that’s less than .02% of the U.S. population. Trust me when I say, by even reading this, you are in elite company.

I’m not just talking about professors and academics (though I know they read us also!), I’m also referring to CEOs, Billionaires, and Titans of industry... people who understand the power of ancient wisdom. 

And now, in order to achieve our goal of spreading the classics even further, we’re giving away all the most important ancient texts in The Essential Classics.

Each of the hand-picked original selections will help you become a more enriched, thoughtful person.

In fact, if this is your goal, then this could be the most important text you’ll get this year.

But you should know that’s not all... 

Introducing Classical Wisdom Society

We are happy to announce we are now accepting new members for our Classical Wisdom Society. 

With a Classical Wisdom Society Membership, you will have instant access to a vast repository of classical writings and knowledge. Unlocking this ancient wisdom will help you grow as a person, better equipped to deal with the many challenges of 21st century existence. 

Join us - and let the lessons of the past help you succeed and thrive today.

Through a Classical Wisdom Society Membership, you’ll learn the lessons of history, giving you greater understanding and insight into our turbulent modern world. 

You’ll develop greater perspective, seeing how History repeats itself over and over. 

And you’ll also gain the ability to better predict future events. You'll recognize patterns and threads in human behavior that once might have passed you by.

“The study of history is the best medicine for a sick mind; for in history you have a record of the infinite variety of human experience plainly set out for all to see: and in that record you can find for yourself and your country both examples and warnings: fine things to take as models, base things, rotten through and through, to avoid.” ― Livy 

To unveil the secrets of the modern world, you first need to unlock the mysteries of the past - and you can with a Classical Wisdom Society Membership!

(You can enjoy the HARDBACK edition of the Essential Classics with our Founding Membership)

Of course, all the ancient philosophers and historians knew that….

Knowledge Is Power…

Don’t Miss The Chance To Grow Your EXPERTISE, Hone Your INTELLECT, And Become Truly WISE

With a Classical Wisdom Society Membership, you can delve into every aspect of the classical period. That includes:

  • Archeology and Architecture

  • Astronomy 

  • Culture  

  • Economics 

  • Literature 

  • Medicine 

  • History 

  • Mythology 

  • Philosophy

  • Poetry 

  • Politics 

  • Science 

The end result of being able to immerse yourself in this vast pool of learning? 

You will become WISE! (Or at least, WISER…).

When I chose the name Classical Wisdom it wasn’t an accident. 

I wanted to convey the idea that the classical world contained a great deal of wisdom - knowledge and ideas that have stood the test of time and which continue to benefit humanity.

Our mission is to pass this classical wisdom on, enabling people all over the world to learn from it and become wise themselves.

Think about that for a second. In the modern era, how many people have really earned that accolade? How many public figures or celebrities, when you think about them, would you label as ‘wise’?

Politicians? Too few, if any. Supreme Court Justices? Maybe. Social media ‘influencers’? Not likely!

The Path to Wisdom Is Through Knowledge...The Key To Knowledge Is… 

Through a Classical Wisdom Society Membership you’ll have all the tools at your disposal to become that all too rare individual: someone who is truly WISE.

As you soak up ancient knowledge and unlock the mysteries of classical writings, you will develop a deep and enduring understanding of the world around you. 

The lessons that you learn will help you to succeed and thrive in every aspect of your life. You will be able to apply WISDOM to your actions and choices, employing the knowledge and insights you’ve acquired through immersing yourself in the classics.

In your relationships, in your work, in your studies - the wisdom of the ancient world will show you a path to success. Just ask our subscribers!

“Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to explore and learn and enrich my brain.”  - Carol K.

“I love Classical Wisdom and am grateful for the knowledge and insights I have gained from it.” - Rob B.

“I look forward to checking what Classical Wisdom is offering each day. Thank you for the quality ebooks, articles, and additional information that Classical Wisdom provides to its subscribers.” - Dr. Michael R.

It’s clear what the classics can do for you. But ask yourself, “what can I do for the classics?”

History is Under Attack

Preserving The Legacy Of The Classical Era - With YOUR Help

For ten years, Classical Wisdom has fought hard to preserve and disseminate the knowledge, culture, and traditions of the ancient world. We are world-renowned as experts in our field. When a global publication or news organization needs insight into the classics, they come to us.

The classics are our passion and our mission. To be the guardians of the philosophies, history and experiences that formed Western civilization is a privilege. 

But we cannot do it alone. We need YOUR help to ensure that we pass on the mysteries and marvels of antiquity to future generations.

The knowledge that we wish to entrust you with is sacred. It has burned bright for thousands of years. 

But there have been times when the flame has faded - and even come close to being extinguished.

The Dark Ages were one such time. As the tribal hordes ravaged Europe, wisdom and learning were no longer valued. Books were burned. Libraries and academies torn down. Scholars massacred. 

The ancient knowledge of the classical period came close to being lost - forever.

Thankfully, a handful of learned individuals heroically preserved the legacy of Classical Rome and Ancient Greece - we have a lot to thank them for.

Today, this ancient knowledge is as much under threat as it ever was. And it will take educated, cultured people like YOU to save it, preserving this vital legacy on behalf of humanity.

The Modern World Doesn’t Care About The Classics - Do You?

This time, the threat to the classics doesn’t come from barbarians at the gate - at least not literally. Instead, classical learning is in danger of being drowned out by all the noise, data and hype of the so-called ‘information age’.

More WORDS are being published every single day than at any other time in history.

On Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media. On blogs. On personal websites. In ebooks. On a whole host of online ‘news’ publications. 

But how many of these many BILLIONS of words actually contain WISDOM?

Knowledge worth remembering? Wit and insight that will resonate for a thousand years? Cultural and artistic value worth cherishing? 

Decide for yourself. 

How much of what you read online is actually WORTH your time? Which TV shows that you watch or stream will still be celebrated 20 years from now? How about 2000 years from now?

And amidst all of this idle chatter and forgettable froth, the classics are being ignored. 

How many people under the age of 25 have heard of Herodotus? Which social media ‘influencers’ are spreading the wisdom of Socrates? How many Netflix ‘originals’ draw upon the drama and emotion of Sophocles or Euripides?

The depressing truth is that in the USA, and in the rest of the Western world, we have more or less forgotten the classical period.

There are fewer classical studies courses in universities and colleges than ever. Fewer high school students are studying Latin and Greek. Fewer politicians or leaders have had any kind of classical education. 

The classics, once the foundation of all Western education, are no longer in vogue. In fact, they are deeply unfashionable.

And if they are forgotten? The loss would be tragic and damaging - a damning indictment of the waning attention span and poor choices of the human race.

So thank the gods that there are still some of us willing to defend the very best parts of our heritage and culture.

I’ve made it my life’s work to preserve the classics. I’m hoping you’ll join me.

The Classics Are In Decline - But It Isn’t Too Late To Save Them

Will you take responsibility for the legacy of the ancients, carrying it forward to cast a light into our dark and unknown future?

By becoming a Classical Wisdom Society Member, YOU can be one of those to take up the torch and preserve the classics for generations to come. 

Think of yourself as an Olympian, carrying the sacred, undying flame aloft. A member of an elite fellowship, bound together by a shared love of classical learning.

Is bearing this torch a burden? No. Rather it lights the way, illuminating the world around you, keeping the shadows of ignorance and barbarism at bay. 

Not all are worthy, of course. Not everyone can have the sharpness of wit and the breadth of intellect to read and understand the classics. They are full of tricky concepts, intricate vocabulary, and momentous ideas. 

To be quite frank, they are beyond the comprehension of average men and women.

But I know that doesn’t apply to you. You are one of the select few who has what it takes to be a custodian of classical wisdom.

By reading this far, you’re already demonstrating a thirst for knowledge and a passion for antiquity. 

So I’d like to invite you to join us on our sacred mission, carrying the lessons of the past onwards into the new millennium. 

By becoming a Classical Wisdom Society Member, you can preserve the classics for the benefit of ALL humankind.

Gain Instant Access To A HUGE Resource of Classical Wisdom - History, Philosophy And Mythology, All In One Place!

With a Classical Wisdom Society Membership, you’ll gain instant access to a vast array of resources that are related to the ancient world. 

The colossal repository of research and ancient wisdom that we have collected (and continually add to) are available exclusively for our members. You too can soon be part of this elite fellowship!

As a Classical Wisdom Society Member, you’ll be able to enjoy:

Exclusive in-depth articles, available for members ONLY.

The articles on our website are the tip of the iceberg. You’ll have access to a wealth of research and articles from world-renowned classical scholars. There will always be something new for you to read and enjoy!

Submit your own topics, and we will research and write an article for you.

As a member, you are our partner and fellow classicist, and we value your input. If there’s a topic that has always fascinated you, tell us what it is and we’ll research it and turn it into an article. Imagine the satisfaction and pride that comes from knowing you have made an important contribution to classical scholarship!

Access to our Extensive E-Book Library, fascinating titles that you can download!

You’ll have a constant supply of new reading, on a variety of fascinating topics. Recent titles include ‘Money, Gold, and the End of an Empire’, ‘The Heraclean Plays’, and ‘Vita Constantini: The Life of Constantine’.

You can join our LIVE Monthly webinars with guest experts and have exclusive access to archived webinars.

Our members RAVE about these amazing webinars. Fully interactive, you’ll have the chance to ask world-renowned experts, authors and academics the questions you’ve always wanted answers to. An opportunity that you won’t want to miss!

Exclusive Monthly interviews with Professors around the globe.

Available as podcasts, we interview some of the world's leading experts and authors, conducting wide ranging discussions about every aspect of the classical world. No-one knows the classics better than these elite academics - and you’ll get the full benefit of their in-depth knowledge.

Contribute and Support our Mission to Preserve and Promote the Classics.

Take up the torch of ancient wisdom and carry it forward for future generations to benefit from. We are totally committed to the preservation and promotion of the classics, and with your help, we can keep the flame of classical learning alight!

More than 21,000 lovers of the classics from around the world are now Classical Wisdom Society Members. 

Do you have what it takes to join this elite circle of cultured global citizens? 

Every day, I get email and letters from our members, singing the praises of what we do. Here’s what just a small selection of them have to say about the many benefits of being Classical Wisdom Society Members: 

Knowledge Is Most Valuable When It's Shared. So When You Sign Up To Your Classical Wisdom Society Membership I’ll GIVE You A Phalanx Of FREE Gifts - Yours To Keep Forever

#1: $30 FREE EBOOK: The Essential Classics ebook


I’ll send you your free copy of The Essential Classics right away via email. This 644 page epic contains the choicest picks of the Ancient Greek and Roman texts. 

  • You’ll find ancient wisdom aplenty in the influential teachings of Plato, considered by some to be the wisest man ever to have lived. 

  • You’ll gain valuable perspective from the writings of Herodotus, the world’s first true historian. 

  • And you’ll be able to enjoy and reflect on the writings of 30 more Classical Greek and Latin authors, from Aristotle and Aesop to Xenophon and Tacitus. 

The Essential Classics is a true blockbuster of classical wisdom and ancient knowledge, and you’ll be given it for FREE when you sign up with us for just one year.

#2: $20 FREE BONUS EBOOK: The Final Days of Socrates


You’ll also receive a free digital copy of The Final Days of Socrates. 

Relive the final days of The Father of Western philosophy, put on trial for his life. Socrates is accused of impiety and of corrupting the youth of Athens.

The punishment? Death by poisoning…

“All of philosophy is training for death” - Socrates

Enjoy three of Plato’s masterpieces on the subject of the tragic death of his idol, mentor, and teacher - The Apology, The Crito, and The Phaedo - all contained in one fascinating ebook.

You’ll get it for free with your Classical Wisdom Society Membership.

#3: $20 FREE BONUS EBOOK: The Epics Collection


Delve into the world of the Ancients with the most epic poetry to have ever been written. 

Including ALL THREE of the essential Ancient stories, the Epics Collection ebook includes Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey as well as Virgil’s Aeneid

This one book includes 450 pages of some of the most important and beautiful stories ever written. Prepare to expand your mind and to have your breath taken away! 

And remember, it’s FREE when you sign up to your Classical Wisdom Society Membership.

#4: $20 FREE BONUS EBOOK: The Greco-Persian Wars

greco wars

War has come. The superpower of the ancient world, The Persian Empire, has set its sights westward on the Greek lands. The city-states of Greece, knowing they cannot stand against the Persians alone, band together in an impromptu alliance… 

Will liberty prevail, or will tyranny have its day?

Any fan of ancient military history will find themselves right at home with Herodotus’ Histories

Enjoy commentary and introductions from the staff of Classical Wisdom alongside the original text in the ultimate historian’s ebook - FREE with your Classical Wisdom Society Membership.

#5: $20 FREE BONUS EBOOK:The Eros Collection


The classical authors had plenty to say about love. 

Homer, claimed that it was the love Odysseus felt for his wife which allowed him to triumph over so many obstacles.  

Plato writes on the origins and functions of love in The Symposium - “love is born into every human being; it calls back the halves of our original nature together; it tries to make one out of two and heal the wound of human nature.” 

The Eros Collection contains an absolute treasure trove of classical love stories from the ancient world, all collected in one place. It will enrich your understanding what it means to love and be loved - the very fundamentals of human existence.

And remember, this ebook is absolutely free when you become a Classical Wisdom Society Member.

As well as all the great gifts you’ll get, becoming a Classical Wisdom Society Member is also risk free. I promise:

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed - 

Or Your Money Back

If you decide that your Classical Wisdom Society Membership isn’t something you need, you can ask for a FULL refund within 30-days of your purchase with our cast-iron warranty.

And here’s the best part…

Whether you decide to stay with us… or decide to cut your trial period short, you can keep all of the bonuses and gifts I’ve given you!

Is it worth trying out?

I’ll let you decide.

To get started today, simply click on the JOIN NOW button below.

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Don’t delay. Get started today by clicking the JOIN NOW button below.


Anya Leonard

Founder and Director

Classical Wisdom

Don’t Delay! Become A Classical Wisdom Society Member Today Getting Immediate Access To The Many Wonders Of The Classical World